The "process" is the thing!

If you've had any semblance of legitimate actor training prior to auditioning for top drama schools, you are familiar with the term "process over product".
Too many young actors want to jump to the product but haven't taken enough time to go over the details or circumstances that get them where the character is emotionally.
Drama school auditions can be daunting, but they can also be a gift if you have a good process.
The gift're given plenty of time to dive into the details of each piece.
My advice: dive as deep as you can!
Use your imagination, your sense of play, your understanding of human emotion and experience, your technique, and outside eyes (coaching) to help you find an undeniably authentic and interesting expression of your piece and deliver it consistently!
It's inspiring when that much preparation aligns with the audition moment.
It's like...despite your nerves, you're feeling super confident and excited to share your work.
And you have this sense of calm knowing whatever the outcome is is the right one because you've truly given it your best, and you're
Ready to play.
That's where you want to be on audition day.
That's where all of us want to be when we perform, and it's about having fun and staying inspired throughout the process.

A Juilliard student was playing the lead in the play Mother Courage and Her Children by Bertolt Brecht, and she wrote a few tips about her rehearsal process.
Her process, in many ways, mirrors that of a student auditioning for drama school.
Click below to read about her process and tips.
Every student I know (including myself) that's gotten into a top B.F.A. actor training program has gotten coaching.
Because exploring a piece is infinite!
Each one has it's own challenges and excitements.
If you'd like support on YOUR process, email me at about coaching.
Include your name, when you're auditioning, and a what you'd like to work on.
I look forward to hearing your story!